Thursday, 18 July 2013

Bubble Tea and Benny Tipene

Mi madres lace top, glad I have it, it's my new fav item of clothing.
I have an ache for love, I'm sick of the bad kind. I'm emotionally drained or maybe sick it's hard to tell, looks like this is gonna be a tough battle folks. Woah that was a draft from a few days ago. Now I'm feeling much better after being with my friends in Palmy for the day. We were suppose to see Benny Tipene at a free concert but you were suppose to win tickets to enter... at least I think you did. So we decided that we'd do something else for the day. I packed my little cousins Jack Skellington backpack and caught a bus to Palmy. I had an hour until I met Hannah at the Plaza and I had no idea how to get there so I thought I may as find find my own way there. I got to the plaza and using the testers at Farmers I applied some make up, haha I'm such a free loader. That morning I had no time to straighten my hair and I got a haircut the day before so it looked horrid. I must have looked like a hobo - using their make up, with messy hair and a backpack walking around the plaza. Hannah found me and we went into Lush so I could ask about work experience, I think they're gonna reject me but oh well. We walked to Paper Plus to find the Rookie Yearbook, no luck. We saw met Laura and her dad and we all went to Valentines for lunch which was omfg so good as it was a buffet. Even though I was so full I still bought a bubble tea because they are so good omg if you're ever in Palmerston North go to the bubble tea shop in Downtown. Then I bought a tapestry design skirt which I'm in love with and we went to see Man Of Steel which was a really good movie but I couldn't really get into it which was annoying because it was a cool movie! You don't need to know anything about Superman to understand the movie which is good for me because I'm more of a batman/spiderman person. Straight after that they had to drop me off, we only had 15 minutes to catch the bus and OMG WE SAW BENNY TIPENE FROM NZ XFACTOR AND I DID'NT CARE IF I MISSED MY BUS we jumped out of the car and ran across the road and took photos and hes so nice and tall and cute and I said that I loved it when he sang Can't take my eyes off of you!
Um so yeh I look rank but heres us with Benny.

Friday, 5 July 2013

✿Please Please Please Let me Get What I Want✿

My cousins moving house which means I'll be really lonely and I won't be able to get wifi at the house and I won't have anyone to drive me places. I'm happy for her because she's 22 and has a 6 year old son so they'll have a cute little house all to themselves but now home will feel so empty with just my aunty, uncle and I. But (fingers crossed) I'm hoping to get her room! Which I'm starting to doubt because my aunty will probably want it as a guest room. Her room has a sink with a mirror, gets sun unlike my room and is a pretty lilac colour - my favourite colour! These are just some room ideas:

Yesterday two girls from our school raised over $3000 and shaved their hair off for childrensuffering with cancer in New Zealand. It was
 really brave of them to do that, to sacrifice something of theirs for others.

Laura and I found a really nice place to sit. Next to the chapel theres a little forest and theres a bench/seat in the middle of it. It's so pretty on a sunny day, when the suns leaking through the leaves. I was going to do my art there today, but it's too windy so I migrated to the chapel.

Eww sorry I didn't brush my hair.
My laptop charger is broken :( I can't get a new one till next week so I'm constantly borrowing other peoples. Next week two exchange girls, one from Madagascar and the other from Korea are leaving :(
They're really loud and funny and nice and I'm going to miss them so much! But I'll send Rookie inspired care packages to them and the whole year group will chip in to send them stuff. I'm so excited because they said they'll send us cheap cute Kprean stationary and French lollies! I'm going to buy them Paua Shell necklaces and Hannah who I swear
has the same as me bought one of them what I was going to buy. I don't mind though Hannah - it's quite funny! Aww shucks Hannah thanks for the letter!
And sorry that I didn't see you today, I was probably in the chapel. Our school has house competitions, like on Harry Potter we earn house points and can lose them. This term we have house music. Big House, everyone is included, were doing Footloose - how original. Our house won last year with songs from Mary Poppins. We also have Small Group which is a selected group of singers from each house. Now trust me when I say this - I am not a good singer, but have somehow managed to get in every year. This year were doing My Guy, a song from the 1960s and I love it but I love our costumes more! Polka dots, cat eyes and beehives, hell yeah!

The following images are from Tumblr:
I dont want these - I need these! Go Frida!

This photo makes me want my nose piercing back!
Shes so pretty, I have no idea who she is

If I ever find a flask, Im going to do this and walk around school with it.

From new interview with Paramore, you can watch it here

✿Have a good day bby✿