I have been staring at this blank page for 10 minutes. No inspiration. Nothing. I don't know what to write about, what would be sensible or cool to say. I was just in a fight with my friend and I hate that. My friends and I are always fighting and I don't know what to do. I love my friends but sometimes I just need to give them space. I either care too much about people or I'm a heartless bitch and I have trouble finding my way between the two. I hate that were so hypocritical that one day we say we don't like someone and the next were best friends. Im glad that they like me for who I am, but when they don't, like today, I only have myself. And that feels both liberating and frightening at the same time. I love other people so much that sometimes I forget about myself. I forget what I am and what I stand for. Paramore have recently made a music video for Anklebiters although it is not a single, just a video for fans. I use to think that the song was negative. A bout a narsisictic person trying to get the best of you, when actually its about celebrating your differences and not letting the anklebiters get a hold of you. Im sorry I cannot post videos at the moment (somethings stuffed up with my blog) but the video can be viewed here:

and also Hayley Williams wrote what her view is on being different and about Anklebiters here:
Have a wonderful day and dont let anyone bring you down!
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